True Intuition Vs False Intuition

2 min

Introverts have very strong intuition.

But sometimes it can get confusing.

In middle of overthinking, we may confuse conditioned doubts and fears with intuition.

This confusion can lead to bad life decisions.

Today, I want to share with you ‘3 Simple Techniques’ that can help you choose between the two.

And help you make good life choices and avoid the bad ones.


1) Choose what feels Simple 

In philosophy, there is a problem-solving principle called Occam’s Razor, which says,

“If you have two competing ideas to explain the same phenomenon, you should prefer the simpler one.”

For example, if you have a headache, it’s more likely that you’re dehydrated or have a cold than a tumor.

When you have to make a decision, choose the one that is simpler. Then, look for signs that support your decision.

When you’re overthinking, you’ll have to dig up the signs. Imagine them. It will feel complex and may give you a headache.

But when it’s intuition, you will see signs everywhere. It will make perfect sense.

Simplicity is the core of true intuition.


2) Choose what feels Natural & Effortless

The whole universe follows the law of least effort

Everything, from planets to birds to ants, chooses the shortest path.

Even raindrops have a spherical shape because only a sphere has the smallest possible area.

It’s ingrained in everything.

Like a compass needle that always points to the north, your intuition always points to what’s natural and effortless.

Intuition is the GPS of your soul.

It guides you towards not what’s believed to be good, but what’s good for you.

For example, I don’t go to the gym not because I’m against it but because long walks and light exercise feel more natural and effortless to me.

My intuition says yes to long walks and no to the gym.

When we tune out the outside noise and listen to our inner voice, it whispers what will work best for us.


3) The Final Test: Question it

When you have two options in front of you, choose them one by one and then question them.

Ask yourself, “Why should I choose this?”

False intuition, when questioned, starts to defend itself with all kinds of reasons. It becomes very logical and rational. Like a lying thief.

But true intuition, when questioned, remains silent.

No reason. No logic. No explanation. Just clarity and peace.

I teach this (how to awaken your intuition & use it) in my course Awakening.

For example, when I was thinking about writing exclusively for introverts, I had two options:

a) Keep writing one-liners. Get 20–25K likes per post. Grow my account to 1 million in 3–4 years. Write and sell books.

b) Follow my inner calling. Whatever happens, happens. 

When I questioned the first choice, it gave me all kinds of reasons.

– I’m going to lose followers

– My likes and retweets will drop

– Engagement will drop

– My revenue will drop

At that time, it was scary.

But when I questioned the second choice, I got nothing in return except a very strong feeling that just felt right.

And now I know it was the best decision of my life.



The body knows.

The mind is only as old as you, the body has evolved over millions of years.

Its intelligence is far above our understanding.

Trust it.


Stay blessed,


