The Hidden Power of Boredom

2 min

Boredom can transform your mind.

Unlock deep, dark places inside your mind that you forgot even existed.

The old streets and alleyways in the brain contain life-changing insights.

But with so much stimulation, we have forgotten what boredom even means.

I recently experienced something very powerful. Let me share what happened.

For the last two weeks, I’ve been exhausted.

I’ve been thinking about rebranding and what I can do that best complements my skills.

I wake up, make my coffee, open a spiral notebook, and start writing. All kinds of things. Drawing the pros and cons. Exploring different fields. Studying books and diving into rabbit holes. Making crazy associations.

This goes on for 4 to 5 hours, sometimes even 7 hours, until I’m exhausted and lay flat on the bed.

A couple of days ago, I woke up, made coffee, sat at my desk, and the moment I opened my notebook, my brain went on a strike.

I just couldn’t think. I felt extremely overwhelmed. I closed my notebook and just sat still for like 10 to 20 minutes.

And the first thought that came after that moment of silence was:

“What the hell have I been doing in the last two weeks?”

I felt like I drifted far away from myself. Miles and miles away. I didn’t know who I was anymore.

That day, I didn’t work. I spent the whole day doing nothing.

I just sat on the balcony, under the sun, staring into blankness.

No books, no thinking, no reading, no people. Nothing. I just sat there.

And I felt this immense calm. I felt like me again. I reflected back on the last two weeks.

And it instantly made me cringe. I had lost complete touch with my core.

This is the curse of being an introvert. The obsession can sometimes steer you away from yourself.

I ate badly. Sometimes I skipped it altogether because it would have made me stop. And I didn’t want to get off my thought train. I slept only 4 to 5 hours every night.

And the thought that was driving me to torture myself was: I have to reach a decision. And do it fast.

Here’s what I learned.

It’s okay to live a slow life.

Everything is moving so fast in the world.

People have written courses and books on how to be more productive. How to manage your time.

Everything is about how to do it fast. Save time.

And toxic beliefs like: Time is your biggest asset. Don’t waste time.

Blah, blah, blah.

Fine, I get it.

But what’s the point if it completely destroys you?

You look around. Everyone’s moving fast. Getting ahead. Doing things. Living a productive life.

So what?

Everyone is making more money, starting businesses, and making $100K per year.

So what?

Everyone is living their dream life, has found their life’s purpose, getting rich and famous.

So what?

What they show is not who they are. You only see the good parts. But it’s human nature to trust appearances. It takes a lot of effort to look beyond appearances and understand the human condition.

We’re all the same. Everyone’s going through something they have no answer to. Everybody has their insecurities, doubts, and fears.

That’s what makes us human.

The culture gives us a one-size-fits all kind of thinking.

It’s okay to take your time. Yes, the clock is running. But don’t forget to live.

Don’t chase something that leaves you overwhelmed.

Work at your own pace.

Don’t make it a race; make it an enjoyable journey.

Allow yourself to be bored. Sometimes, it’s in the midst of these boring phases that we find the most valuable insights.

The path that leads you to greatness.

I don’t have a lesson or a system today.

All I have is this:

You will get there.

Maybe a little late… so what?

Stay blessed,


