How to Make Your Personality Stand Out

4 min

Are you tired of being mediocre?

Following the crowds.

Doing what everyone else is doing.

Fitting in and holding back true self-expression.

Inside your heart you know you’re different, but the fear of failure or embarrassment holds you back.

What will people think” has become your mental prison.

I was no different. I was scared shitless to even try anything new.

I’d take the tried-and-tested path any day over embarrassing myself.

And when you’re an introvert, it can drive you mad.

The overthinking, the anxiety, the fear. You know what I talking about.

But what got me thinking was that the people we admire and respect are always original. No?

They’re different. Doing their own thing. Unafraid to be themselves.

Let me share with you a powerful example.

A few months ago, Elon Musk shared this on his timeline:


As we all know, Elon gets millions of impressions on whatever he tweets. If he recommends something, it’s gonna spread like wildfire.

Now let me ask you a question:

“What made Elon recommend this podcast?”

They were not popular. There were no celebrities. They definitely didn’t pay him.

So why would the most popular man on Twitter share a completely unknown podcast?

I’m sure you’ve got it by now. Let me add some more clarity to it.


We’ve been brainwashed

Seth Godin, the writer of marketing books like ‘This is Marketing” and ‘The Dip’ and ‘Linchpin’, shared a hard-hitting story in his masterpiece “The Purple Cow”,

“While driving through France with my family, we were enchanted by the cows grazing in the picturesque pastures. 

For dozens of kilometers, we just gazed out the window, marveling at how beautiful everything was. 

20 minutes later, we started ignoring the cows. All the new cows were just like the old cows. What once was amazing, was now common. 

A Purple Cow though. Now that would be interesting.”

The essence of the purple cow is being different.

Elon Musk shared the podcast because it was a purple cow. They were doing something that no one has tried before.

But society injects us with the poison of mediocrity.

Follow the norms. Obey the rules. Do what’s tried and tested, and safe.

And the people who don’t are rejected. Seen as rebels. Crazy and eccentric.

But let me tell you a deep psychological fact:

They want to be different too. But they don’t have the courage.

And by rejecting you, they’re projecting what they hate about themselves. They wish they could be like you.

Secretly, they want to be a purple cow.

Dear introvert, becoming a purple cow is how you pay respect to your soul and live a life of meaning and purpose.

Here’s the blueprint.



Facts first: You already are a purple cow.

Nature doesn’t make copies. You were born unique.

It was society that conditioned you. Changed you. Poisoned your soul. Forced you to fit in.

It made you believe that to be of any value, you had to be someone other than yourself.

When your actions are in conflict with your authentic self, that’s when you experience fear, doubt, and confusion.

Your heart is pushing you to take action, but your conditioned beliefs hold you back. And this resistance creates overthinking and anxiety and forces you to make poor decisions.

Here are a few INSTANCES from my personal life where I completely rejected the norms and followed my heart:

1) I eat the same food every day.

2) I wear the same clothes every day, no matter the occasion.

3) I don’t go to the gym, drink protein shakes, or take any kind of vitamin or mineral pills.

4) If it’s not a physical injury, I never go to a doctor. I’ve never taken any kind of test to check my blood profile or anything.

5) I don’t go to a church, temple, mosque, or any kind of religious place to pray.

6) I never follow any fixed routines or diet plans.

7) I never used productivity tools, meditation apps, notes management (Notion, and all that).

8) I write without any outlines or pre-planning, and I never edit my tweets or newsletters. I give you exactly what comes to me directly from the source. As it is.

I’ve tried all these things in the past. But with experience, I learned that it’s all conditioned behavior.

It made absolutely no difference in my life when I stopped doing them.

In fact, my life became clutter-free and made me more clear, focused, and peaceful.

I’ve shared how to do it step-by-step and connect with your authentic self in my course ‘Awakening‘.

It is always good to have one less thing to do in a day. I had about twenty. Now I keep it to one or two.

I’m not asking you to copy these things. (If it works for you, sure, be my guest.)

All I’m suggesting is not to blindly follow everything that is taught to us. Learn to question things.

Especially the things that are authoritative. Things that are believed to be sacred and should never be questioned. Things society never wants you to question

If you’re not satisfied with the WHY behind something, keep digging until you find a valid reason to accept it or reject it.

Don’t believe anything because…

  • Your father said it
  • The priest said it
  • Your college professor with 3 PhDs said it
  • The doctors who’ve done 500 surgeries said it
  • The Instagram creator with 3 million followers said it
  • The “New York Times Best-seller” writer said it

Another person’s authority and social proof in a field is not a valid reason to follow their advice.

It’s a psychological bias.

When we can’t figure out our own answers, we copy other people’s answers. And the more proof they have, the more strongly this bias holds.

You have all the answers within; still your mind and take a peek inside.

Embrace your authentic self. Do what your hearts tell you.

Share your gifts with the world without altering them. That’s what moves people. Makes them feel something more than they can understand.

Be real. Be you. Just the way nature made you.

Stay blessed,

